laptop developer fur, at your service!

moneybag hire me to do YOUR work

  • from creating a custom discord app for your community to your over-ambitious side hustle, there's a lot i could do to help you achieve your goals!
    • interested, hm? shoot me a message on discord logo discord and we can figure things out from there
  • looking for my art commissions instead? please see artist palette art and commissions!

bookmark my work

fox bot's avatar

fox bot's avatar fox bot 🦊

app developer

  • fox bot's avatar fox bot is a discord logo discord app specifically designed for all types of fox content!
  • as the solo developer of this app, i am responsible for:
    • maintaining the app so that it continues running in the most efficient ways possible
    • updating the app; bringing various new features and general quality of life updates to streamline the user experience
    • providing the online service so that users across discord logo discord can access it at any time with minimal effort
  • many components which make up fox bot's avatar fox bot include:
    • laying out and structuring the core foundation of the app: from interactions to scheduling
    • making the user interface to navigate and control easy
    • keeping the app accessible as possible
    • providing a simple way for users to delete their data from the app - eliminating the need to jump through many holes like contacting support directly
the fox in fox bot's avatar's legs

bot avatar and banner by instagram logo @aviation558_

furry pride

website developer

  • furry pride is the website you are looking at right now!
  • it is a place for me to..
    • show off my projects and portfolio
    • learn more about my cool shit
    • host resources for my apps, such as their terms of services and privacy policies
    • have a place to express myself to the WHOLE world !!!! (scary)
  • yes i made this website in PURE html because i thought it'd be funny
    • it really solidified my understanding of the html webspace....something school had failed me for years!
    • will i use a framework like React? maybe; enjoy the scruffy web code for now~
flooded area icon

flooded area bot's avatar flooded area bot and the killer's avatar the killer

app developer for discord logo flooded area community

an ocean of water background with blocky parts floating and meteors falling

game icon and banner by twitter logo @hi_itsBlizzard

halo's community!!

greg.'s avatar greg. 🦎

app developer for discord logo halo's community!! and another related server

aethen's social area

MintBubblex's avatar MintBubblex 🍭

app developer for discord logo aethen's social area

  • mintbubblex's avatar MintBubblex is a discord logo discord app which brings new features to discord logo aethen's social area!
  • features this app brings to the server includes:
    • a verification gate which prompts new server members of discord logo aethen's social area to fill a form out that the staff review before granted these new members access to the server
    • a commissions price calculator that gives estimates of prices for twitter logo @JazelinaPleb's art commissions depending on: the number of characters, base style, positions, and extras; as well as freebies
a long anthropomorphic fox on its side

server icon and banner by twitter logo @JazelinaPleb

robot discord apps

  • here's all the discord apps that i've made over the years: you can click on them to view more information about them~
  • looking for the yellow book terms of service and curled page privacy policy? well, you can either..
    • click on the button of the app you want to view its documents for below and you'll be able to find links to them (if they have some)
    • visit the following pages for all of my apps' yellow book terms of services and curled page privacy policies

globe apps i've made that are public

thought bubble apps i've made that are private/for me only

spiral notebook apps i've made that are exclusively for other servers

speech bubble left apps i've had some say in during their development

view archived apps..

globe other places to find my code

  • these odd tidbits of scripts would probably be worthless to you..