flooded area bot's avatar

water wave flooded area bot 🌊

flooded area community's discord bot

bot avatar and banner by twitter logo @hi_itsBlizzard


flooded area bot 🌊 is an app dedicated to the discord logo flooded area community!

🎟️ tickets system

  • an in-house ticketing system for dealing with player reports!
    • it utilises threads for easier management for the roblox logo flooded area staff
  • 📣 report a player
    • a way for people to create player reports for those who break the rules in roblox logo flooded area
    • pre-report questions to determine if a reason a player is reporting is valid as well as to confirm that a report is made in good faith
    • checks to make sure inputted usernames are real roblox players
    • forcing evidence to be sent alongside a report before it can be submitted
  • 🔨 appeal an in-game ban
    • a way for people to appeal their roblox logo flooded area game bans
    • pre-appeal questions to confirm that a ban appeal is being created on the basis of a wrongful ban and not as a begging statement
    • checks to make sure the inputted username is a real roblox player
    • fields for further reasoning for a ban appeal
  • 📬 send mod mail to server staff
    • a way for people to privately talk with the discord logo flooded area community staff regarding most things about the server
    • pre-submission questions to direct people to existing resources which may help them

✨ kinda fun stuff..?

  • a non-random levelling system for you to flex how much time you've wasted in the discord logo flooded area community
    • preventing message spam experience abuse: allowing 1 experience to be gained every 5 seconds
    • includes leaderboards to further compare your levels to other server members
  • a simple currency system
  • a music player, for those sweat [sic] tunes
  • question of the day
    • people submit their questions of the day where the discord logo flooded area community staff can approve or disapprove before being sent to the queue of questions to send
    • submissions include the question and an optional a discussion thread and/or reaction choices
  • server "votekicks"
    • inspired by votekicking in roblox logo flooded area, a person can start a "votekick" on another person
    • up to four people can vote where if a votekick successfully reaches its required votes, the votekicked user is put on discord logo time-out
  • america
    • inspired by the, uhm, fandom logo american flag part in roblox logo flooded area
    • on command invocation, the app responds with "america" as well as a counter of how many times it has been used
    • there are different types of slash command /america each with their own probabilities of appearing:
      • flag of the United States america: 85%
        • flag of the United States: 40%
        • american flag: 40%
        • pride flag: 20%
      • water wave flood: 5%
      • satellite space: 5%
      • smiling fox furry: 4%
        • this probability is increased to 50% for confirmed furries in the discord logo flooded area community (other probabilities balance out to create the other 50%)
      • flag of the United States (flipped) flipped: 0.9%
      • sparkles rare: 0.09%
      • glowing star rarer: 0.009%
      • flag of the United Kingdom british: 0.001%

🎮 game information

💻 flooded area bot 🌊 is source-available!

  • the source code of flooded area bot 🌊 can be viewed on github: button below~

The Past

the current version of flooded area bot 🌊 is v3, meaning that there has been two previous public iterations of the app

📜 what flooded area bot 🌊 started off as

  • flooded area bot 🌊 originally started as "flooded area suggestions 📋"
    • this was due to a certain roblox logo @CrazyDoruk22 appearing in my dms one day and practically begging lol
    • (i'm joking ilynh doruk)
    • as the name suggests, flooded area suggestions 📋 was a simple thread-based suggestions system where people can submit suggestions for roblox logo flooded area
    • each suggestion can be upvoted or downvoted, also containing a thread for discussion of the suggestion
    • this system was in place until discord introduced discord logo forum channels
  • at the time of when i started developing flooded area suggestions 📋 (now: flooded area bot 🌊), it was heavily inspired by berry bot's avatar berry bot 🫐

🌌 flooded area bot 🌊 and universe laboratories

the killer's avatar

the killer

the killer 🤖 is an app which allows for roblox logo flooded area moderation to take place straight from the discord logo flooded area community

it is feature-rich way for roblox logo flooded area to (mass-)moderate players, involving: (temporary) bans; kicks; and revoke bans

🛠️ how the killer 🤖 works

🌫️ what the killer 🤖 was built off of

💻 the killer 🤖 is source-available!

  • the source code of the killer 🤖 can be viewed on github: button below~